2011年博士毕业后在东北农业大学兽医学博士后流动站工作。2013年博士后期间以自身研究为主题,帮助出国访问的导师独立撰写、申请获得80元《国家自然基金项目》资助;2014年以博士后身份,作为课题负责人独立撰写和申请获得了全额《国家青年基金项目》资助。参与课题有科技部973计划《猪诱导多能干细胞(iPS)及其分化发育研究》(2008-2013, No.2009CB941002)(参与人);国家自然基金项目《猪早期胚胎发育关键印迹基因挖掘与验证》(2012-2014, No.31101035)(参与人);国家自然基金项目《猪早期胚胎发育中CDX2和OCT4基因功能及互作模式的研究》(2014-2017, No.31371457)(主要参与人);主持项目有:黑龙江省博士后资助经费 《猪早期胚胎内关键基因Cdx2和Oct4的功能及二者的相互作用关系的研究》(4万元, 2011-2014, No.LBH-Z11229)(课题负责人)和国家青年科学基金项目《猪胚胎滋养层细胞分化及其调控机制的研究》(25万元, 2015-2017, No.31401228)(课题负责人)。
Gerelchimeg Bou, Shichao Liu, Jia Guo,Yueming Zhao, Mingju Sun, Binghua Xue, Jiaqiang Wang, Yanchang Wei, QingranKong, Zhonghua Liu. 2015. Cdx2 represses Oct4 function via inducing itsproteasome-dependent degradation in early porcine embryos. Developmentalbiology 410: 36-44 (IF2014: 3.547, 生物3区\发育生物2区 )
Bou, G., Liu, S., Sun, M. and Liu, Z.2012. Interaction Between OCT4 and CDX2 in Early Stage Porcine Embryo. Biologyof Reproduction 87: 63-63. (IF: 3.318, 生物3区\生殖生物2区)
Gerelchimeg B, Li-Qing L, Zhong Z,Jiang-Tian T, Qing-Ran K, Jun S, Xue-Dong W, Zhong-Hua L. 2009. Effect ofchilling on porcine germinal vesicle stage oocytes at the subcellular level.Cryobiology 59:54-58. (IF2014: 1.587, 生物4区\生物3区 )
Bou G, Sun M, Lv M, Zhu J, Li H, WangJ, Li L, Liu Z, Zheng Z, He W, Kong Q, Liu Z. 2014. A pre-breeding screeningprogram for transgenic boars based on fluorescence in situ hybridization assay.Transgenic research 23:679-689. (IF2014: 2.322, 生物3区\生物工程与应用微生物3区)
Liu S, Bou G, Sun R, Guo S, Xue B, Wei R,Cooney AJ, Liu Z. 2015. Sox2 is the faithful marker for pluripotency in pig:evidence from embryonic studies. Developmental dynamics : an officialpublication of the American Association of Anatomists 244:619-627.(并列一作,IF2014: 2.376, 生物3区\解剖学与形态学3区)
周华龙,孙铭菊,刘世超,郭 佳,何文腾,胡 魁,尹 智,刘忠华,崔卫国,格日乐其木格.2015. 顶体反应进程是决定不同公猪精液IVF最佳精卵比不同的主要因素.畜牧与兽医 (通讯作者)
Kong Q, Wu M, Huan Y, Zhang L, Liu H,Bou G, Luo Y, Mu Y, Liu Z. 2009. Transgene expression is associated with copynumber and cytomegalovirus promoter methylation in transgenic pigs. PLoS One4:e6679.
Wang J, Gu Q, Hao J, Jia Y, Xue B, JinH, Ma J, Wei R, Hai T, Kong Q, Bou G, Xia P, Zhou Q, Wang L, Liu Z. 2013. Tbx3and Nr5α2 Play Important Roles in Pig Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Rev andRep 9:700-708.
Wei Y, Huan Y, Shi Y, Liu Z, Bou G, LuoY, Zhang L, Yang C, Kong Q,
Tian J, Xia P, Sun QY. 2011. Unfaithfulmaintenance of methylation imprints due to loss of maternal nuclear Dnmt1during somatic cell nuclear transfer. PLoS One 6:e20154.
Zhang L, Luo YB, Bou G, Kong QR, HuanYJ, Zhu J, Wang JY, Li H, Wang F, Shi YQ, Wei YC, Liu ZH. 2011. OverexpressionNanog activates pluripotent genes in porcine fetal fibroblasts and nucleartransfer embryos. Anat Rec (Hoboken) 294:1809-1817.
Zheng Z, Jia JL, Bou G, Hu LL, Wang ZD,Shen XH, Shan ZY, Shen JL, Liu ZH, Lei L. 2012. rRNA genes are not fullyactivated in mouse somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. The Journal ofbiological chemistry 287:19949-19960.
Zhi Y, Jia G, Gerelchimeg B, Shi-chaoL, Yan-shuang M, Zhong-hua L. 2014. Lentivirus Mediated Gene Manipulation inTrophectoderm of Porcine Embryos. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition) 21:39-45.
焦明霞,牟彦双,格日乐其木格,张琳琳,孔庆然,付海鹏,刘忠华. 2014. 精子介导的转基因效率关键影响因素. 中国农业科学 47:4086-4095.
孔庆然, 武美玲, 朱江, 格日乐其木格, 郇延军, 尹智, 牟彦双, 刘忠华. 2009. 转基因猪中外源基因拷贝数和整合位点的研究. 生物化学与生物物理进展 36:1617-1625.
李慧, 格日乐其木格, 王健宇, 王娟, 王芳, 薛冰华, 刘忠华. 2011. 肠绒毛消化法所得仔猪小肠上皮细胞的培养与鉴定. 中国细胞生物学学报.